Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Touche, scale, touche

I am "over weight". Yes, I have packed on plenty of pounds in the past year. At first, I blamed it on being newly married and not worried about gaining weight. At that point, it was ok to gain a few pounds because I weighed less than I have in a very very long time (try 15 years or so). But then I got pregnant. And the small number of pounds quickly added up...I used my sister's pregnancies as a template for mine. I kept waiting for the day I would become ill or throw up or be disgusted by food. Ha, guess what? My daughter is 2 months old and I'm still waiting for that day! The difference in our pregnancies is astonishing. She threw up all the time, I may have gotten nauseous once (if that). And I'm not bragging by any means. I ate like I wasn't going to eat the next day...and now my scale tells the tale.

I've gotten on the scale every couple of days. Funny story: the number HAS NOT changed. I was convinced that some of the weight would go away because of breastfeeding...NOT. My love for food and all that it is has not changed. I may be eating a little less than when pregnant, but surely haven't seen any change in the poundage!

And I feel bad for Husband. Poor guy. He married a slender young lady...now I can't stop complaining about being a "big" girl. Of course, I fear that if I do get back to that newly-married size, I'll just end up pregnant again! (Well its not really that big of a fear :)).

Did I mention that I know I'm too big, but I haven't done anything about it? Yes. I am lazy. I could blame being lazy on my infant. But she's a good sleeper and I haven't been that exhausted. (Or if I have I don't remember it.) Fortunately, I have the ability to get off the couch and move around. Here's hoping the weather gets a little better so I can get motivated!


  1. hopefully, warmer weather is right around the corner! You can put E in a jogging stroller and wheel her around the neighborhood! Don't worry about the weight, it will come off eventually! (Or in my case, it won't, but I just accept that and move on.)

  2. Girl. You have a TINY BABY. It's okay to not be overly active right now. And finding time for exercise as a mom is so freaking difficult. You'll make it work but in the meantime, cut yourself some slack.
